
Research question:
Individuals and groups have a role to play in challenging injustice. How can participation help create a better, safer and fairer world?

Learners will: Employ evidence to support an argument to develop their own view of a social, political, environmental, or economic issue. 

Understand the concepts of social justice and ethical responsibility and learn how to apply them in everyday life. 

Analyse the challenges and dilemmas associated with social justice and ethical responsibility and consider the implications for individuals and collective action.

Learning Intention:We are learning how participation can create a fairer world. 

Skills Progression:

  • Develop reasoned and justified points of view.
  • Interact with others and develop an awareness of self and others.
  • Compare and contrast to draw valid conclusions. 
  • Observe, describe, and record. 

Success Criteria:

I can

  • Identify what participation means.
  • Identify right which allow for participation.
  • Use the convention for the rights of the child to identify ways in which i am able to participate. 
  • Identify barriers to participation in a global sense. 
  • Identify similarities in participation with myself and someone else globally. 
  • Act effectively and responsibly at local, national and global levels for a more peaceful and sustainable world.

Learning Activities and Experiences and Outcomes:

Activity Overview Levels 2-3

Activity Overview Levels 3-4